Wizardzz Website


Entry 1, 7/19/24:Today I hungout with some of my friends for the first time in a while. Since its the summer a lot of my friends are gonna be going on vacation or just doing stuff thats keeping them busy. I really enjoyed the hangout and I love hanging out with them cause they're all really funny and just nice to chill with. We made lots of crafts and stuff and I got to meet the hosts new dog which she was really sweet (the dog). I have my summer school ending next week which I'm not really prepared for cause my week has been soo hectic. We got this kitten for my grandpa but the kitten ran away into the woods near our house. We set up a trap for him which ended up catching him today. Hes very skiddish and is definetly gonna take some time getting used to the environment. My other two cats are also not really responding to having the new cat well. My cat specifically seems really nervous around him and keeps smellig him. Just hoping that everything starts to chill down next week.

Entry 2, 7/20/24: Okay I'm gonna be honest, it's only been like 20 minutes since I posted the last entry. The kittens currently laying on me and hes so so cute. I'm gonna go see the new Despicible Me movie with my friends today (it's midnight so technically tomorrow, and yes the same friends I already hung out with today) I already saw the movie but I'm excited to see it again cause I thought it was pretty good. Last night I spent 4-5 hours watching the first season of chuck, I want to finish the whole season by the end of tonight but I gotta stop messing with my website first. I absolutely love chuck and I think its so funny and I'm so glad I got back into it.

Funny clips of Chuck (fav is 3:37)

Donnie Darko, Movie review: I absolutely love this movie. Donnie Darko (2001) is a Fantasy/Mystery/Drama movie where Donnie (played by Jake Gyllenhaal) has visions of a large bunny that makes him commit crimes after an incident where part of a plane falls onto his room and would've caused his death. This movie has many mysterious moments that causes confusion with many questions going unsolved. The movie has parts that are up for interpretation. This movie is so cool and I love it so much!! This movie really changed my way of thinking and I love the music and aesthetics of it. This movie along with the movie Brokeback Mountain stopped my hatred of Jake Gyllenhaal!!

My thoughts on Marvel movies, Movie reviews: The topic of marvel movies is debated heavily in movie communities. My personal thoughts on it really ranges with the eras of marvel. The older movies such as the first couple Captain America and Iron Man movies. The older movies have a better sense of humor and overall feel of the characters and storyline. To pinpoint the downfall is the hard part. Phase one and two of the MCU were most definitely the peak of the movies with movies such as Iron Man (2008), Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), Thor (2011), Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), and Ant-man (2015). I'm done with boring you with specifics now but overall those were most definitely the most memorable other than Infinity War and Endgame that come out later on. Speaking of which, the movies most definitely have declined after that with only a few that seemed to get similar feelings to the old one. Phase four was disappointing to a lot of fans with many movies being anywhere near the levels of the older movies. Phase five, which is the phase we're are currently on, hasn’t been doing too well except for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 which wasn't as good but still seemed to live up to the previous Guardians movies. I honestly enjoyed some of the series like Wandavision and Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Waiting each week for an episode to come out was a great bonding experience with my family and the shows were really exciting to watch. There were some though that lost my interest fairly quickly but I don't think those need to be stated. Phase Six is coming out next year with some very large names such as Blade and Deadpool which I am extremely excited for. Hopefully there will be a difference in quality since those movies aren't meant for younger viewers. Overall, I enjoy the marvel movies from time to time but it is very understandable that recent films and shows coming out don't hold up to the expectations of marvel fans.